Outlet Malls Fall in Popularity

The concept of outlet shopping began with stores selling seconds and samples. It was a way for consumers to grab a bargain in the shape of slightly damaged good or one offs from their favourite brands. Such shops were often attached to manufacturing centres or factories and were sometimes known as factory shops for this reason. Such stores evolved into places where you could buy surplus stock from previous seasons’ collections and outlet shopping was becoming more and more popular as time went by. Continue reading Outlet Malls Fall in Popularity

Fashion for the Slopes

Skiing is a fabulous activity but when you are new to the sport it doesn’t take long before you start recoiling at the enormity of the costs involved. By the time you have bought all of your equipment you may well be faced with supplicating before your bank manager asking for forgiveness but you will still have your clothing to purchase and then there is the small matter of paying for your holiday. There is a lot to finance for what might be just one week of action each year. There are ways to mitigate your costs, though, especially when it comes to your clothing. Continue reading Fashion for the Slopes

Heritage Brands – Brook Taverner

Every era has its popular looks and brands, many of which come and go in the blink of an eye. Other brands have stayed the course, often because they have a timeless appeal and have a learnt a thing or two about the right cuts and fabrics over the years. There is no substitute for experience when it comes to tailoring and so it is no surprise that a company like Brook Taverner continue to retain a loyal customer base having traded for over a century. Continue reading Heritage Brands – Brook Taverner