All posts by Sally

Is Your Dog a Fashion Icon?

In the age of social media, it seems we are all being exposed to random bouts of silliness, but no more so than when blending fashion and pets.

I recently had a scout around online for examples of fashionable pets and was frankly staggered at the amount of pets which get dressed up. It turns out that the pet fashion industry is a multi-million pound industry and I wasn’t aware of it. I must be seriously behind the times!

Some famous examples of fashionable pets include Menswear Dog – a Shiba Inu who lives with his owners in New York. Menswear Dog currently pulls in over $15,000 each month from sponsorship deals and features in magazines and online – more than most hard working people earn!

Of course we have all seen the trend for dressing dogs up on programmes such as The Supervet and many examples of over-dressed pooches on programmes such as The Only Way is Essex and Made in Chelsea, but it seems that the sensible dog coats and rugs offered by many retailers are morphing into something much more ‘fashion’ based.

Who knows where this trend is going to go, but it seems social media is pushing the whole ‘fur baby’ culture and our pets are rapidly becoming a substitute for children!

Retro Cool Swimming Hats Are Back!

Women of a certain age will remember the days when swimming hats were all the rage. The caps offered many benefits and were a common site in the 1950’s and 1960’s but eventually fell out of fashion. But no fashion is ever completely consigned to the past. You can be sure that eventually all trends will resurface, albeit having been reworked to suit the times.

So It should be no surprise that swimming hats have made a comeback, bringing a touch of retro chic to a swimming pool near you!

Swimming Hats for Athletes

Following their heyday, swimming hats ceased to be fashion accessories and were generally used only by competitive athletes. Which might make you wonder what has changed.

Swimming Hats and the Movies

Over the years many fashion trends have been inspired by the movies. Take jeans, for instance. Denim clothing was principally used as work wear until the likes of Marlon Brando and James Dean appeared wearing it in their iconic movies. These guys were the very epitome of cool and it wasn’t long before jeans started making their way into the casual wardrobes of many young people.

But you will never have seen Brando or Jimmy Dean in a swimming hat! However, when the movie Atonement was released in 2007, you might have noticed Keira Knightly sporting a chic hat and looking rather fabulous. The cap was rather eye-catching and offered something different for a generation that hadn’t been born when swimming hats were at the height of their popularity.

Chic and Practical

Those who appreciate retro style will certainly adore swimming hats but these accessories aren’t all about style. They may be fun and quirky but they also keep your hair dry and protect it from the harsh chemicals in swimming pools. These chemicals can really dry your hair out and leave it feeling like straw. Even the best conditioners can struggle to revitalise your hair if you have spent a lot of time in the water.

A swimming hat will also prevent the water from bleaching your hair and getting into your ears. Some pools actually require you to wear a swimming hat to prevent loose hair from clogging the water filters.

Swimming Hat Style

If you fancy investing in a swimming hat, then there are many different styles available. Retro hats are always cool with their pretty details but there are also more contemporary alternatives. You can certainly have fun with the bright colours available and the hats are inexpensive. Their affordable price tags enable you to invest in different styles to match your swimming attire.

Whether you are visiting the local pool or intend to spend time at the beach, a swimming hat could be a great investment. It will protect your hair and will also help you to create an individual and memorable look. It is always good to stand out from the crowd wherever you happen to be!

Shopping for Bras

I hate bra shopping! There I have said it. Women are supposed to love shopping but most of the time I find it a frustrating experience especially when it comes to bras. After all, when you shop for tops, jeans or dresses you get to try them on, to imagine where you would wear them and what with. There is least excitement in that but with bras, well, there just isn’t! Continue reading Shopping for Bras

Outlet Malls Fall in Popularity

The concept of outlet shopping began with stores selling seconds and samples. It was a way for consumers to grab a bargain in the shape of slightly damaged good or one offs from their favourite brands. Such shops were often attached to manufacturing centres or factories and were sometimes known as factory shops for this reason. Such stores evolved into places where you could buy surplus stock from previous seasons’ collections and outlet shopping was becoming more and more popular as time went by. Continue reading Outlet Malls Fall in Popularity

Fashion for the Slopes

Skiing is a fabulous activity but when you are new to the sport it doesn’t take long before you start recoiling at the enormity of the costs involved. By the time you have bought all of your equipment you may well be faced with supplicating before your bank manager asking for forgiveness but you will still have your clothing to purchase and then there is the small matter of paying for your holiday. There is a lot to finance for what might be just one week of action each year. There are ways to mitigate your costs, though, especially when it comes to your clothing. Continue reading Fashion for the Slopes

Heritage Brands – Brook Taverner

Every era has its popular looks and brands, many of which come and go in the blink of an eye. Other brands have stayed the course, often because they have a timeless appeal and have a learnt a thing or two about the right cuts and fabrics over the years. There is no substitute for experience when it comes to tailoring and so it is no surprise that a company like Brook Taverner continue to retain a loyal customer base having traded for over a century. Continue reading Heritage Brands – Brook Taverner

The Wedding Bouquet

For most brides the most important feature of the big day is their dress. However, almost all brides also follow the numerous traditions associated with bridal attire and accessories. Personal expression is often distinguished by its absence. Brides generally wear white or ivory dresses partnered with a veil, a garter, something blue and they carry flowers. Why the flowers? Continue reading The Wedding Bouquet

From the Sports Hall to the Catwalk

When I was at School pretty much the only sports shoes anyone wore were plimsolls. This rather uninspired footwear was decidedly only for use in the gym or on the netball court and everyone rushed unceremoniously back to the changing rooms to relieve their feet of the monstrosities as soon as they could. I don’t recall anyone suggesting that their sports shoes were a good fashion statement and there wasn’t a great deal of interest in trainers either. How things have changed! Continue reading From the Sports Hall to the Catwalk