The Changing World of Kids’ Fashion

Years ago there was little choice when it came to kids’ clothes. The styles were limited, definitively for children and there wasn’t much attention paid to styling. Kids’ clothes were not subject to the current trends and youngsters didn’t pay much attention to fashion until they hit their teenage years. Things are very different now with even very young children taking an interest in their clothes. So how did things change so dramatically in just a few years?

The Media

Well for a start multi-channel television and the internet happened giving everyone including children access to a barrage of information, news and products that they simply could not have developed an interest in before. We are all bombarded with advertisements and product placements that tempt us with the latest styles and we don’t even have to leave home to get our hands on what we want.


Society has generally become more celebrity obsessed and there has certainly been a greater emphasis placed on image. Rather ironic really when the television, computers, games consoles and mobile phones have combined to see us become far more sedentary and with it progressively heavier! We are very image conscious and yet progressively fatter!

New Values for a Modern World

The modern world is rather presenting a strange set of unhealthy values to youngsters. The focus really should be on keeping active, having fun and learning through playing with others but kids are spending way too much time in front of their various screens and are probably too concerned about ruining their trendy clothes to get outside and play. Perhaps the parents are worried about those costly clothes too!

Little Divas

Kids also seem to be dressing in a more and more adult way as they strive to copy their favourite celebrities and grown up fashions and the clothing brands are playing on this trend by producing Minnie –me outfits to please them.

Gorgeous Clothing

That is not to say that there isn’t a place for beautiful kid’s clothing because there is. It is lovely for children to dress up sometimes and to learn a sense of personal style and the confidence that comes with it. However, there is a line somewhere that should not be crossed otherwise we are in danger of youngsters growing up far too soon and missing out on the joy of childhood. Naturally their wardrobes are only one factor in their lives and kids are growing up faster in all manner of ways but fashion does send out important messages and not always good ones.

Better Values

Children’s clothes should be fun and allow the kids to run around and pay with freedom. Happily there is now a fabulous array of choices and some truly wonderful collections that tick every box. Kids can look cool but still be kids and perhaps if there was more emphasis on the fun and less on the image our youngsters would be healthier, fitter, happier and therefore look better in whatever they were wearing anyway.

Article by Sally Stacey