Tag Archives: fashion

Is Your Dog a Fashion Icon?

In the age of social media, it seems we are all being exposed to random bouts of silliness, but no more so than when blending fashion and pets.

I recently had a scout around online for examples of fashionable pets and was frankly staggered at the amount of pets which get dressed up. It turns out that the pet fashion industry is a multi-million pound industry and I wasn’t aware of it. I must be seriously behind the times!

Some famous examples of fashionable pets include Menswear Dog – a Shiba Inu who lives with his owners in New York. Menswear Dog currently pulls in over $15,000 each month from sponsorship deals and features in magazines and online – more than most hard working people earn!

Of course we have all seen the trend for dressing dogs up on programmes such as The Supervet and many examples of over-dressed pooches on programmes such as The Only Way is Essex and Made in Chelsea, but it seems that the sensible dog coats and rugs offered by many retailers are morphing into something much more ‘fashion’ based.

Who knows where this trend is going to go, but it seems social media is pushing the whole ‘fur baby’ culture and our pets are rapidly becoming a substitute for children!

Heritage Brands – Brook Taverner

Every era has its popular looks and brands, many of which come and go in the blink of an eye. Other brands have stayed the course, often because they have a timeless appeal and have a learnt a thing or two about the right cuts and fabrics over the years. There is no substitute for experience when it comes to tailoring and so it is no surprise that a company like Brook Taverner continue to retain a loyal customer base having traded for over a century. Continue reading Heritage Brands – Brook Taverner

From the Sports Hall to the Catwalk

When I was at School pretty much the only sports shoes anyone wore were plimsolls. This rather uninspired footwear was decidedly only for use in the gym or on the netball court and everyone rushed unceremoniously back to the changing rooms to relieve their feet of the monstrosities as soon as they could. I don’t recall anyone suggesting that their sports shoes were a good fashion statement and there wasn’t a great deal of interest in trainers either. How things have changed! Continue reading From the Sports Hall to the Catwalk

Country Clothing with a Contemporary Twist

The fashion landscape is now so diverse that sportswear and even workwear has found its way into the mainstream with many styles becoming eminently cool. Country clothing has also found something of a new life with many celebrities adopting traditional styles in their wardrobe choices.  It would also be true to say that some brands have offered a contemporary twist on country clothing that has transformed functional and frankly rather dated looks into something else altogether. Continue reading Country Clothing with a Contemporary Twist

Can Anyone Look Good in a Hat?

I have always shied away from wearing hats other than the woolly variety which I sport occasionally purely to keep warm. Much as I admire hats as a fashion statement I always feel that whatever style I try it just doesn’t suit me. I look in the mirror, laugh, remove the hat and then forget the whole idea for another season! Continue reading Can Anyone Look Good in a Hat?

Denim News

Entering the term “jeans” into a Google search is a fascinating exercise which reveals much about our priorities these days. Such a search will provide you with the usual suspects on page one in the shape of the retail giants with which we are all familiar. Refining your search for “news” is a much more interesting exercise but one which may leave you feeling a little incredulous. Continue reading Denim News

School Bags Become Cool bags

I sometimes wonder if fashion gurus and designers have a summit meeting every so often to decide what trend to start next. If they do then I suspect that they deliberately pick the most uncool style they can imagine from the past and decide to promote that! There is no other explanation for the renaissance of one particular accessory which was a genuine toe curler in my youth but which has now resurfaced as the epitome of urban cool. Continue reading School Bags Become Cool bags

How Best to Wear Jeans and Boots

Of all the outfits in our wardrobes a well-fitting pair of jeans worn together with the right boots is surely our most versatile ensemble. Dressed up or dressed down this winning partnership is just perfect for a shopping trip, the workplace or a casual night out and I, for one, can’t imagine what life would be like without my favourite jeans and boots. However, as with everything else in the world of fashion, you can still get it right or get it horribly wrong with jeans and boots. Continue reading How Best to Wear Jeans and Boots